OpenMPI on TORQUE hands-on |
Prepared by Vangelis Koukis, Computing Systems Laboratory, ICCS-NTUA.IntroductionThis hands-on will guide you through basic examples of compiling and executing OpenMPI programs on a cluster environment based on the TORQUE scheduler. You will write, compile, debug and run OpenMPI programs inside multiprocessor jobs allocated on a TORQUE queue.AccessTo complete this hands-on lab you need to be logged in a TORQUE submit node, where the TORQUE client utilities are installed. We will use the Grid UI, part of TUC's Grid node, for this purpose, as it has been setup as a TORQUE submit node for the local compute cluster. You have to use ssh to log into the UI. If you use Windows and don't have an ssh client you can download PuTTY which is one of the most popular, free clients.If you don't meet this requirement, please contact the trainers for assistance. Download the examplesLog into the UI and download the tutorial application files: Unpack the file in your home directory: tar xvf mpi.tar and change to the directory created: cd mpi The package contains the following:
Compile and submit to TORQUE a simple MPI "Hello World" applicationChange into the mpi directory, adjust the $PATH so that it points to the installation location of OpenMPI in the UI, then compile the sample "Hello World" application. Use the corresponding PBS script, mpihello.pbs to submit it for execution.[vkoukis@ui ~]$ cd mpi [vkoukis@ui mpi]$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/openmpi/1.3.1-gnu-x86_64/bin [vkoukis@ui mpi]$ mpicc -o mpihello mpihello.c [vkoukis@ui mpi]$ qsub mpihello.pbs [vkoukis@ui mpi]$ qstat 1387 Job id Name User Time Use S Queue ------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ----- 1387.ce01 mpihello.pbs vkoukis 0 R tuc [vkoukis@ui mpi]$ cat ~/mpihello.pbs.o1387 Hello world from master process 0, on! Hello world from process 1, on!Notice the following: How many nodes does it run on? How does mpirun know the right thing to do? Experiment with a different number of cores/nodes. Are the messages printed in order? If not, why not? Challenge: Modify the source file so that the messages actually do get printed in order.
Write a simple MPI application where peers communicate in a ringChallenge: Complete the source code in mpiring.c so that it works as follows:All MPI peers are organized in a ring and a token (an integer) gets passed around on it. Each process waits until it receives the token from its left neighbor, outputs a short message to the console, then passes it on to its right neighbor. You must decide on two things: First, how is the process triggered? One of the peers must pass the token on its own, without waiting to receive it first, otherwise the program will deadlock. Second, when will the program terminate? You can have the program terminate when the token makes one full loop around the ring, i.e. when the peer who triggered the procedure receives it again. |